Kaua’i Elections

Ballot drop boxes for the 2024 General Election will be deployed on October 17th and 18th, at the following locations:

Thursday, October 17, 2024
  • Kōloa Neighborhood Center (3461 Weliweli Road)
  • Kalāheo Neighborhood Center (4480 Papalina Road)
  • Hanapēpē Neighborhood Center (4451 Puolo Road)
  • Waimea Neighborhood Center (4556 Makeke Road)
  • Elections Division (4386 Rice Street)
Friday, October 18, 2024
  • Hanalei Neighborhood Center (5-5358 Kūhiō Highway)
  • Church of the Pacific (4520 Kapaka Road)
  • Aloha Petroleum Menehune Food Mart (4521 Kolo Road)
  • Kapa‘a Public Library (1464 Kūhiō Highway)

Drop boxes will be accessible 24/7 until 7:00 p.m. on General Election Day, Tuesday, November 5, 2024.  To be processed, ballots must be received, not postmarked by 7:00 p.m. on November 5, 2024.

For additional information, please contact the Office of the County Clerk, Elections Division at (808) 241-4800 or visit https://kauaivotes.com/.

     You can find our collection of information about the ballot questions, candidate forums, and each county council candidate below.  Please note that not all candidates have information or interviews readily available to us.  If you have any information we are missing or would like to contribute something to our page, please email uw@kkcr.org with your feedback.

Ballot Questions

This is a short, unofficial summary of the ballot questions for the 2024 Kaua’i County election.

For a full, official summary, please visit Kaua’i Ballot Info.


Question: Should the 90-day reporting deadline for Police Commission investigations start upon receipt of the investigation report?

  • Yes: Changes the start date of the 90-day deadline to when the commission receives the report.
  • No: Keeps the current system where the deadline starts at the time of the investigation.

Question: Should the Commission be allowed to propose increased spending that results in long-term savings?

  • Yes: Allows the Commission to recommend spending increases that are expected to lead to future savings.
  • No: Maintains the current restriction preventing the Commission from proposing any increased spending.

Question: Should up to 5% of the Open Space Fund be allocated for maintenance of acquired lands?

  • Yes: Enables up to 5% of the fund to be used for maintaining the lands already purchased by the fund.
  • No: Keeps the current limitation, which only allows the fund to be used for acquiring lands, not maintaining them.

Question: Should insurance policies replace surety bonds for the County’s financial protection?

  • Yes: Allows the County to use insurance policies instead of surety bonds for financial protection.
  • No: Retains the current requirement that the County use surety bonds.

Question: Should high school juniors and seniors serve as non-voting ex-officio members on County boards and commissions?

  • Yes: Adds positions for high school students as non-voting members on boards and commissions.
  • No: Continues the current system, where students do not serve on boards and commissions.

Candidate Forums

2024 YWCA Kauaʻi County Council Candidate Forum

Wednesday, October 2nd

  • Bernard Carvalho

  • Fern Ānuenue Holland

  • Ross Kagawa

  • Arryl Kaneshiro

  • Butch Keahiolalo

  • Mel Rapozo


Thursday October 3rd

  • Abraham Apilado, Jr.

  • Addison Bulosan

  • Felicia Cowden

  • Billy DeCosta

  • KipuKai Kuali‘i


     Listen to sound bites from candidates Felicia Cowden, Mel Rapozo, Abe Apilado Jr., Ana Mo Des, Jakki Nelson, Arryl Kaneshiro, Billy DeCosta, Butch Keahiolalo, Jeff Lindner, Fern Holland, and Bernard Carvalho from an event hosted by the Kapaa Business Association on August 1.



Abraham Apilado Jr.


Addison Bulosan – Incumbent

KKCR Interview

Brought to you by the Kauaʻi Chamber of Commerce & Hōʻike Kauaʻi Community Media

Bernard Carvalho Jr. – Incumbent


Brought to you by the Kauaʻi Chamber of Commerce & Hōʻike Kauaʻi Community Media

Sherri Cummings


Bill DeCosta – Incumbent


Brought to you by the Kauaʻi Chamber of Commerce & Hōʻike Kauaʻi Community Media

Fern Ānuenue Holland

Kaua’i Soapbox KKCR Interview (09/24/24)

KKCR Interview 

Brought to you by the Kauaʻi Chamber of Commerce & Hōʻike Kauaʻi Community Media

Ross Kagawa – Incumbent

Brought to you by the Kauaʻi Chamber of Commerce & Hōʻike Kauaʻi Community Media

Arryl Kaneshiro

Brought to you by the Kauaʻi Chamber of Commerce & Hōʻike Kauaʻi Community Media

KipuKai Kuali’i – Incumbent

Brought to you by the Kauaʻi Chamber of Commerce & Hōʻike Kauaʻi Community Media

Mel Rapozo – Incumbent

Brought to you by the Kauaʻi Chamber of Commerce & Hōʻike Kauaʻi Community Media

Bart Thomas

Bart Thomas (second half) and Jeffrey Lindner on KKCR’s Out of the Box with Jimmy:

Current track


