Public service announcements (PSA) are messages in the public interest disseminated without charge, with the objective of raising awareness. If you are a public sector agency or nonprofit organization, KKCR will help you get your message out.

What is a public service announcement (PSA)?

KKCR airs Public Service Announcements (PSAs) as part of our mission to serve our listeners and community. PSAs submitted to KKCR for consideration should have information that is of direct relevance and benefit to listeners in KKCR’s broadcast area. Messages should not include controversial, issue-oriented, or self-serving material. KKCR reserves the right to determine which PSAs will be selected for broadcast.  PSAs will be scheduled based on limited airtime availability; particularly when there’s a higher volume of submissions, not all PSAs submitted for consideration will be broadcast.

KKCR is unable to determine in advance how often, if, or when your PSA will air. Because PSAs are a free service, KKCR is obligated to fulfill orders for paid underwriting announcements first. To learn more about the community benefits of underwriting, or to establish guaranteed announcements during specified times, please see our Underwriting Information Page and contact one of our Development Director.

PSAs are very brief—only 30 seconds in length. They are kept in rotation for no more than two weeks, and generally do not air during KKCR’s on-air fund drives.

Public service announcements run in the form of staff-produced pre-recorded announcements (KKCR does not air pre-recorded PSAs produced by other entities), community calendar announcements, and live-read scripts.

PSAs are reserved for publicizing the events or services of non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations located in our broadcast area. Non-profits should be prepared to submit a copy of the organization’s IRS’s Letter of Determination, which indicates the non-profit’s tax exempt identification number.

KKCR welcomes PSAs for the following:
1. Concerts and other musical events;
2. Cultural, educational, environmental, civic, pet, weather recovery, and health-related events that, in our judgment, have an affinity with our community, audience, and the common good;
3. Fundraising events (to the extent of FCC regulations) which, in our judgment, have an affinity with our community, audience, education, and the common good.
KKCR will carefully consider, but may not accept, PSAs for the following:
1. Events that have narrow appeal to a small or specialized constituency (e.g., high school reunions, meetings of astrophysicists);
2. Religious events, excluding concerts and other non-religious events at churches, synagogues, and other religious venues, or temporary relocation of services.
3. Routine or regular meetings of an organization.

Due to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations, no political announcements will be accepted.

KKCR does not air PSAs for commercial events, or other events where there is an emphasis on ‘selling’ or ‘bidding’, including silent auctions, yard sales, bake sales, artist markets and craft fairs. We also do not air PSAs for membership-only events, car washes.

PSAs for non-profit organizations cannot include a solicitation for funds, a solicitation for volunteers to solicit funds, or for promoting a “members only” event. KKCR does not mention event sponsors within the script of any PSA.

FCC and IRS Guidelines for PSAs

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) have established strict guidelines for PSAs. These guidelines must be firmly adhered to. Please keep these guidelines in mind when you submit your announcement for consideration to KKCR.
• Announcements may not include an inducement to buy, sell, rent or lease.
• Announcements may not contain price information, including fees, or references including “free,” “sale,” “half-price” or “discount.” If an event is free, it’s permissible to indicate that it’s “open to the public.” If an event requires tickets, the PSA may tell listeners where tickets are available.
• Announcements may not be for commercial purposes. If it involves money or measurable benefit, the recipient must have 501(c)(3) status. Announcements for fundraisers at commercial establishments will not be accepted, even if a portion of the funds are donated to charity.
• Announcements may not contain comparative or qualitative language, like “the best in our area,” or “the most popular…”
• Announcements may not contain a call to action, such as “be sure to attend” or “hurry in today.”

How to submit a public service announcement for broadcast on KKCR

PSA requests must be submitted by sending an email with the event information on to  at least four weeks before the event date. Timely submission makes it more likely for your PSA to be considered for broadcast.

The following information will be required:
• Who will host the event? Name of organization.
• What type of event is it? For example: is it a presentation, concert, a slideshow, a lecture or a demonstration?
• When will the event take place? Time and date.
• Where will the event take place? City and address.
• Why? Include a very brief mission statement or explanation.
• Contact information Web address and phone number.
• Provide phonetic pronunciation (pro-NUN-see-A-shun) of difficult words and names.

The station does not check the details of an event, and does not take responsibility for inaccurate information. Please proofread before submitting information for a PSA. Please do not send press releases, brochures, calendars, and posters for KKCR to convert into PSAs.

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