Stevee Dee

Stevee Dee shows



Stevee Dee here, host of a new show called SOLID ACTION on KKCR. Each week I spin some forgotten nuggets from the backwaters of America and around the (weird) world. What kind of stuff exactly? 1960’s Garage Bands, crazy teen Rockabilly from the 50’s, water logged Surf Instrumentals, hopped up Country Boppers, Blues Stompers, Swamp Rockers, Proto Punkers and Soul Shouters.

I’m not afraid to get a little Jazzy or play the tunes that help you can cry into your beer, but mostly I keep things movin’ and groovin’. Music for your bottom half…the smarter part of yourself. Listening to SOLID ACTION! is a chance to turn off your mind and let the BEAT take control. Tap your toes and shake your buns a bit. You know, get loose. We all need a bit of that these days don’t we?

What are my hobbies? Outside of playing scratchy records, my interests include; OLD CARS, TWANGY GUITARS, SURFIN’ and wild, wild WOMEN…not necessarily in that order.
Maybe the reverse order but it doesn’t sound as good that way.

How did I become a volunteer at KKCR? I didn’t volunteer, I was drafted! Lindsay Boogie, host of my favorite show “Something Completely Different” is a top notch talent scout and roped me in as soon as we got here from Puna on the Big Island. Like, fresh off the boat! Lindsay, Dove and Laura Christine gave me a few pointers and got me up and rolling.

Do you think you are just way too busy to become a volunteer at KKCR ? I did, and was so wrong! Spending time at the station is a real bright spot in my week. Every Friday at 4pm, I get to dig even deeper into something I have always dug…MUSIC.

If getting on the air is not really your bag, there’s so much action going on behind the scenes. Come see us at the station. The whole operation is volunteer run. A grass roots deal all the way. A rare gem.

Maybe your passion is, I don’t know…gardening? Come up and help with the beautiful jungle surrounding the building or get involved in the _____show. Handy with plumbing? Our pipes act up now and then. Who’s don’t? We could use a hand. Electronics? Bring your soldering iron and spend the afternoon. Drywall? We’ve got a great little project for ya! You get the picture. There are tons of ways that you can help with Kaua’i Community Radio. Volunteering is a great way to meet your neighbors and see how a radio station works. Come on up, talk story and get involved. It feels good. Real good.

My BACK STORY goes like this. I was born in Missoula Montana, and we moved to the bright lights of Spokane Washington when I was pretty young. After wearing out my Dr. Suess records on a green plastic record player, I graduated to raiding my parent’s music stash. They had some Johnny Cash, Ray Charles, Blues and Country w some psychedelic sounds mixed in like C.C.R. and even (gasp) Iron Butterfly. All the while I had my little ear glued to bubble gum pop and disco on the family van’s A.M. radio. Pretty typical story. ..with one difference.

My folks played in a Bluegrass band. Dad (Tom) played 5 string banjo and Mom (Marlene) picked a mean flattop guitar. We had an olive green Econoline van and we’d hit the road. Epic camping adventures to Bluegrasss Festivals or jam sessions out in the boondocks. The 70’s Bluegrass scene was a weird mix of people. Very straight old timers, bikers, out of style beatniks and religious nuts all fired up on obscure Mountain Music.

I learned 2 things from the experience that really stuck with me.

The ability to sleep during insane amounts of racket.
The best, most EXCITING music flies way below the radar…and is often made by rank amateurs.

Upon teen-dom it all came together. It was the early 80’s. I got a cheapo, Japanese, electric guitar and learned the “folk music” of my day. Punk Rock! More specifically, Skate Rock (I love sub genres!) It was a loose blend of Hardcore and early Rock and Roll that was SO easy to play, even 15 years old could do it. Three chords. Four boys all hopped on root beer, garage sale Sonics records and half a drum set from the dump.

There is a certain kind of insane enthusiasm for being loud and proud that happens early in life. That’s exactly what I like to focus on with my radio show. I go easy on the virtuosity and heavy on the heart and soul. Adult, Soft Rock is conspicuously absent on SOLID ACTION!

Most of the records I air have never been played on an F.M. station before. I dig up the 45’s that got buried under a more recent mud slide of Top 100, “classic rock” hits and forgotten about… till NOW. Let’s get weird. Dust off your eardrums and come check out the SOLID ACTION Show on KKCR.


Stevee Dee

Current track


