HB2581 Win!
Written by Anni Caporuscio on July 12, 2024
Here’s some good news: The Hawaii Association of Broadcasters had been lobbying to remove a clause from a law:
- 127A-13(a)(6) and (b)(3) Additional powers in an emergency period, the Governor or County Mayor may:
(6) Shut off water mains, gas mains, electric power connections, or suspend other services, and, to the extent permitted by or under federal law, suspend electronic media transmission;
What does this mean? That during emergencies, officials can shut off radio transmissions, the internet, and other forms of digital communication. Which is weird because during these circumstances the public needs more information and not less, right?
Thanks to the hard work of Chris Leonard and his team at the HAB, the clause about shutting down your little community radio station got removed! It took two years and a ton of networking but Governor Green signed it. Says Jamie Hartnett at HAB, “The governor had it on his intent to veto list and then we were told he might not veto but let it become law without his signature. But perhaps due to our activism and telling of what is right and wrong, he signed the bill! This was a two year, exhausting journey but we did it!”
And we’re sure grateful.