KKCR at Heiva I Kaua’i!
Written by Anni Caporuscio on August 5, 2024
Big thanks to Program Director Aisha for setting us up at Heiva I Kaua’i for the second year in a row! Heiva I Kaua’i is one of Kaua’i’s premier events that showcases Tahitian Dance and Drumming. It’s a competition, an exhibition and a celebration of this ancient and evolving physical art form. The practice and stamina that goes in to the dance form, not to mention the long knowledge behind the dances, is mind-blowing. I commend all the participants! And the good folks that tirelessly host this event: it’s amazing.
On a radio station level, it’s a landmark. Last year’s Heiva I Kaua’i was the first event that our new management team participated in as part of our initiative “taking the radio out of the station”. That’s my catchy phrase for wanting KKCR to become a part of the community, get out and about, and engage with listeners and folks on our island. After one year, I’d say it’s a success! KKCR has gotten out of the station to an average of one event per month – which was our goal – and we’ve seen our island at fundraisers (Kokua Maui, Anaina Hou’s Pa’ina), parades (Lights on Rice, Kauai Pride), vinyl-spinning events (so many), and more, too.
The goal of getting out of the station is to remind people that KKCR exists and exists specifically for Kaua’i. It’s still staggering when people tell me they don’t know who we are. I want to eradicate that. It also served to engage with our friends and neighbors and see what they do and celebrate them, and give them a chance to see what radio can do. And finally, taking the radio out of the station has been team building. It allows volunteers to be joiners in different ways and hang out with other volunteers that they usually don’t get to see.
Admittedly some of our efforts made for abysmal radio and more trauma bonding than we wanted. BUT – we got out there, tried, learned, grew, broadcasted, wore our team tshirts, talked to new people, danced, asked questions and DID IT. Thanks for getting out with us!